Why Choose Us

Satisfaction Guaranteed

SanTuPur is a refreshing neutral source of comprehensive training and solutions for pathogen mitigation.

Our transparent and consolidated approach brings together everything a decision-maker needs to consider before executing an action plan to meet the challenge of establishing and maintaining a clean, safe, and healthy property. 

The information provided as to pathogens, solutions, and manufacturers/providers, is complete, detailed, and fair to all, founded upon published specifications and claims. It is especially useful to those who will rely upon SanTuPur assistance to make their decision and implement their plan. 

Why SanTuPur?

Because SanTuPur brings everything together in one place, timely and detailed information about the pathogens, the solutions, and the sources, providing the essential knowledge base that decision-makers can rely upon so they can choose wisely and confidently when selecting their course of action.

Happy Clients

“SanTuPur was able to impart enough technical information in its tutorial on pathogens, solutions, and introductions to providers, to enable us to make our decision a lot faster than we would have been able to had we had to investigate everything separately;  I’m sure this enabled us to avoid unnecessary additional incidents.”

Donald F., PA


“SanTuPur assistance greatly accelerated implementation of our action plan, having all pertinent information consolidated in one place was of great value;   the choice they helped us make has been outstanding, even absenteeism from colds and flu have decreased substantially.”

Lisa S., CT


“The information provided by SanTuPur helped us to avoid what we now feel would have been a very bad decision;  we had been focused entirely on cost and not on efficacy and we almost broke the first rule of capitalism, to wit, you get what you pay for.  So glad we found them in time.”

Pete S., CT
